Monday, February 19, 2007

Like a jagged little pill

It's another New Year here in Taipei. Welcoming the year of the pig!! Oink! Oink!
As tradition goes, they say new year, new life, new everything...

So what should I declare as new.....

A new Boyfriend= nah!!, don't even have one last year.
A new car = I wish!
A new house= Dream on...
A new job= nope, the old one still good for me

A new perspective= yup, got a new one.... though this is an old one for others, but i consider this anew.

In life take chances , for you'll never knew what the outcome will be, it might surprise you.

Saturday, November 25, 2006


Finally, for the first time in weeks I've got my weekends off.
It been such a slave den at work. Seems like hours pass by in a flash.
I'm gonna savor this wonderful moment in bed, surfing the net.
God forbid, not checking my company mails!!!

The plan was to go to KTV tomorrow, but a friend cancelled and we decided not to push through. Anyway, life's good and the weather is perfect for a walk so later I think a good jog will do.

Year is coming to an end, and my mind is a bit frazzled with what to do for next year. I've got big plans but all are in bits and pieces which I'm still trying to piece them together. Hope that it would be a great one too like this year or even better.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Mere thoughts

What if
there is no rich or poor?
all of us are equals?
there is world peace?
there is no hate only genuine love?
everyone has joy in their hearts?
there is pure understanding of each others beliefs and thoughts?

Seems like the world become a boring place to live....
but I want to be there someday........
My so-called Utopia, my Heaven.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Goodbye, Bernadette

Heard from a friend that a college classmate got cancer.
I receive this news last January when I have my annual vacation.
Coincidentally, I have my face scars laser in St. Lukes and while waiting for the aneasthetia to take effect, Mom and I went to the restaurant just outside the building.
Sitting there, I noticed a familiar face but not that sure. It was her. Bernadette.
She was sitting at the other end with her sister and mom. From a distance, she looked the same except for the weight gain. But I didn't get the courage to stand up and say hello. I guess I'm afraid that I would end up like a fool when she fails to recognize me or worse, the person is not Bernadette.
Regrets.... my ultimate hate. I did regret that I didn't do it. I was planning to visit her next year in the hospital. But it's too late, she just passed away yesterday. No more time to see her again.

We're not close friends, actually we're just classmates but I couldn't forget how friendly and approachable she is. She's down to earth and always has a smile on her face.

I believe that it's already time for her to move on. May she be safely cradled in our Father's arms. Goodbye Bernadette, say hello to the Father for me.

Monday, September 18, 2006

As the tides roll

Hitting the 30's range is quite a bit strange.

This morning someone asked me to write my birth year for insurance purposes. It's been quite a while since I've written something like that and as I wrote it down, it shows side by side the other fellows who've written theirs. By golly, I'm one of the seniors!

Sign of the times:

1. when in the company of kids, you are called "Auntie or Tita" (used to be Ate)
2. when the twenties group came by and you said " yung mga batang yan"
3. when you prefer to pass by without a glance the Teeners area in a department store.

Heniwey, it's really not that bad except for the fine lines. I believe its not as bad as 40's. (Yah, right!)

Saturday, June 24, 2006

To Mother Cat, with love

I love our cats. Evenif I only got to see them only during my home vacation, I really have grown attached to them.
Two tabbies, both of them have the same colors (brown, black & white), actually they are mother and daughter. Each of them has their own distinct personality. One (the mother) was so intelligent, as if she can understand what my papa is saying esp. when she wants to go inside the house, and lets her right paw slide in the house, Papa would just say don't do that and she starts to retrieve back her paw and quietly sits by the doorstep, waiting patiently for her meal to be provided.
The other one was affectionate and charming, whenever she sees me hanging clothes to dry, she starts to play with me. When I'm sitting on the terrace, she just follows and settle herself on my lap. My parents told me she does that only to me. As for the afternoons, she contently sleeps by the telephone we had at our store.

I'd like to dedicate this entry to Mother Cat, being wise and all, she is not that perfect. Two days ago, maybe she was caught stealing food from our neighbor who was drunk and hot tempered. The neighbor bludgeoned her with a knife and injured her two lower limbs. Papa said she could no longer walk and had to drag her body to get around. Apparently Mother Cat is not officially ours (we just provide her meals and let her stay in our store to sleep) so we couldn't voice out our complains. That was the last time Papa saw her and even my brother went around the neighborhood in search for her but she is no longer to be found. I hope we could bring her to the vet but maybe she doesn't like us to see her that way. My heart goes out for her, how some people can be so inhumane and hurt helpless creatures. Why couldn't they just shoo her away. I pray that Mother Cat is now resting peacefully and now in a much better place. Thanks for watching over us these five years.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Hmmnnn, the post I've just saved as draft is gone. ????