Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Goodbye, Bernadette

Heard from a friend that a college classmate got cancer.
I receive this news last January when I have my annual vacation.
Coincidentally, I have my face scars laser in St. Lukes and while waiting for the aneasthetia to take effect, Mom and I went to the restaurant just outside the building.
Sitting there, I noticed a familiar face but not that sure. It was her. Bernadette.
She was sitting at the other end with her sister and mom. From a distance, she looked the same except for the weight gain. But I didn't get the courage to stand up and say hello. I guess I'm afraid that I would end up like a fool when she fails to recognize me or worse, the person is not Bernadette.
Regrets.... my ultimate hate. I did regret that I didn't do it. I was planning to visit her next year in the hospital. But it's too late, she just passed away yesterday. No more time to see her again.

We're not close friends, actually we're just classmates but I couldn't forget how friendly and approachable she is. She's down to earth and always has a smile on her face.

I believe that it's already time for her to move on. May she be safely cradled in our Father's arms. Goodbye Bernadette, say hello to the Father for me.

Monday, September 18, 2006

As the tides roll

Hitting the 30's range is quite a bit strange.

This morning someone asked me to write my birth year for insurance purposes. It's been quite a while since I've written something like that and as I wrote it down, it shows side by side the other fellows who've written theirs. By golly, I'm one of the seniors!

Sign of the times:

1. when in the company of kids, you are called "Auntie or Tita" (used to be Ate)
2. when the twenties group came by and you said " yung mga batang yan"
3. when you prefer to pass by without a glance the Teeners area in a department store.

Heniwey, it's really not that bad except for the fine lines. I believe its not as bad as 40's. (Yah, right!)