To Mother Cat, with love
I love our cats. Evenif I only got to see them only during my home vacation, I really have grown attached to them.
Two tabbies, both of them have the same colors (brown, black & white), actually they are mother and daughter. Each of them has their own distinct personality. One (the mother) was so intelligent, as if she can understand what my papa is saying esp. when she wants to go inside the house, and lets her right paw slide in the house, Papa would just say don't do that and she starts to retrieve back her paw and quietly sits by the doorstep, waiting patiently for her meal to be provided.
The other one was affectionate and charming, whenever she sees me hanging clothes to dry, she starts to play with me. When I'm sitting on the terrace, she just follows and settle herself on my lap. My parents told me she does that only to me. As for the afternoons, she contently sleeps by the telephone we had at our store.
I'd like to dedicate this entry to Mother Cat, being wise and all, she is not that perfect. Two days ago, maybe she was caught stealing food from our neighbor who was drunk and hot tempered. The neighbor bludgeoned her with a knife and injured her two lower limbs. Papa said she could no longer walk and had to drag her body to get around. Apparently Mother Cat is not officially ours (we just provide her meals and let her stay in our store to sleep) so we couldn't voice out our complains. That was the last time Papa saw her and even my brother went around the neighborhood in search for her but she is no longer to be found. I hope we could bring her to the vet but maybe she doesn't like us to see her that way. My heart goes out for her, how some people can be so inhumane and hurt helpless creatures. Why couldn't they just shoo her away. I pray that Mother Cat is now resting peacefully and now in a much better place. Thanks for watching over us these five years.